
The 2020 TCA National Convention/Department 56 Gathering in Jacksonville, Florida was Cancelled

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While everyone was making Trax to Jacksonville, the combined 2020 TCA Convention and D56 Gathering experienced a derailment in the form of Covid-19. But Mark Klemens put together a magnificent highlights video anyway of what attendees would have experienced. A heartfelt thank you to all who had hoped to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: The following discussion of the 2020 Convention layout items (cars and towers) is also available in a PDF document you can view or download. Click here to get it.

Summary of 2020 TCA Convention Cars & Souvenir Water Towers

The 2020 TCA Convention planned for Jacksonville, Florida was to be the first ever TCA convention jointly held with another organization, in this case the Department 56 Village Collectors. The Convention was to be hosted by the TCA Southern Division and the North Florida Village Collectors. But, as mentioned above, it turned out to be the first ever TCA Convention to be cancelled!

Although the Convention was cancelled the planned Convention Cars and Souvenir Water Towers were produced. The cars and towers are described here with photographs and background information to provide a reference for the benefit of members in the future.

Following normal practice, the Convention cars were sold by the TCA to TCA members only.

2020 Convention Partners Boxcar

2020 Convention Jacksonville Naval Air Station Boxcar

2020 Convention S-Scale Budwiser Boxcar

2020 Convention Black Florida East Coast Flatcar

2020 Convention Brown Florida East Coast Flatcar

2020 Convention Seaboard Air Line Flatcar

The Two Towers

There were two different water towers produced by Department 56 for the convention:

    "Regular" Souvenir Water Tower was sold by the Southern Division to TCA Members, Department 56 Collectors & the Public

    "Banquet" Souvenir Tower was sold by the TCA

2020 Convention Department 56 Water Tower

2020 Convention Department 56 Banquet Water Tower

Convention Souvenir Shirts, Hats, Pins and Refrigerator Magnets were produced and sold as souvenirs for the planned event.

This site copyright 2019-25 Train Collectors Association Southern Division
 Webmaster Keith Totten