
Southern Division SD of the National Train Collectors Association TCA Navigation Menu

TCA 2025 Convention - Jacksonville, June 21-28, 2025

Volunteer Opportunities

Great news! Bob Keller, TCA Convention Chairman, sent an initial list of volunteer opportunities for the convention - see below.
We hope you will not only be able to attend but also find time to donate a couple of hours or more.

1. Tour Escorts: (Tours hours vary from a half day to a full day; we won't know until the tours are finalized later this year/early next year) .
Escorting a tour amounts to: greeting passengers preparing to board the bus and checking off their names on the roster provided for each tour;
performing an initial on-board head count of the number of passengers who boarded; answering questions from passengers whenever able;
managing the timing of the group to make sure they know the time to return to the bus after the tour and; also making sure they understand the location
to which they're to return to reboard the bus; and performing another on-board head count to ensure the same number reboarded who initially boarded.
Depending on the tour, the counting and recounting may need to be done two-three times.
When returning to the hotel as passengers deboard, thank them for being on the tour.
The escort and bus driver work together to ensure a smooth tour.

2. Wednesday Welcome Party: From 5-6 PM, 6+ volunteers will be needed to set out auction items and bid sheets.
At 7 PM, 2 volunteers will be needed to collect Welcome Party tickets at the door.

3. Marketplace Security: On Friday from 8 AM-5 PM, and Saturday from 8 AM-1 PM, several volunteers are needed to work a minimum of one- to two-hour shifts.
Responsibilities include being a presence at the doors to the Marketplace to ensure only authorized persons enter the designated areas.
The public is invited into the Marketplace on both days.

4. Saturday Banquet: Saturday afternoon, 6+ volunteers will be needed to set out banquet prizes and banquet programs.
From 6-7 PM, 2 volunteers will be needed to collect Banquet tickets at the door.
Post-banquet, volunteers may be needed to help collect bid sheets, unsold auction items, etc.

If you have questions and/or wish to volunteer, please contact

This site copyright 2019-24 Train Collectors Association Southern Division
 Webmaster Keith Totten