
Member Layouts Christmas 2019

In 2019, a few members sent in some photos of their temporary, holiday layouts. These are their stories.

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Christmas 2019

Bill Trappen's 2019 Christmas Layout

The train is a wide-gauge American Flyer passenger set from the late 1920's headed by a #4644 electric engine
The trolley is an O gauge MTH Railking model of a Pittsburgh Route 37 Castle Shannon Streetcar with PS-2
The station is an original Lionel #115 station
The store is an MTH Railking model of the famous Isaly's chain of dairy stores which were located all over Pittsburgh
The Gateman is a Lionel #45

Mike Mills' 2019 Christmas Layout

Introduction: Those of you who attended the last two SD train meets in the Lake Nona area will remember the show-and-tell events at Mike Mills'
Village Walk community center. Every year Mike sets up a Holiday Toy Train layout in that Community Center
for the enjoyment of the local residents and guests. This year the layout is greatly expanded with an addition
which takes it from a relatively compact rectangular layout to a large T-shaped layout.
This layout will remain up and operating through January 4th.

To make an appointment to visit the layout, contact Mike on his cell phone at 612-382-0325.

Bill Porter's 2019 Christmas Traveling Layout

While traveling over the holidays, think about taking a portable setup with you that is suitable for display and operation in a hotel room.
The mat is some green, indoor-outdoor carpet. The trains are a Bachmann N-Sacle Christmas train with their EZ Track.
The little houses are models of the ones where we have lived over the years. It all brings a touch of home while on the road.
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This site copyright 2019-25 Train Collectors Association Southern Division
 Webmaster Keith Totten